Why Join CACL

CACL and its partners are committed not only to reduce and stop increasing corruption in government, but also to strike at the roots of corruption by building strong communities and maintaining a great culture.

CACL is a not-for-profit organization operating entirely from donations and membership support.

Our Associate Membership is free and we ask only that you help spread the word about our important effort!  To join as a CACL Associate Member simple fill in your best email address and click on join.

Support Integrity and Stop Corruption

As an Associate Member you receive a subscription to the CACL News Bulletin and Newsletter.

If you prefer to support CACL's mission more actively, please choose the active membership option you want.  CACL uses PayPal for payment processing.

Active Membership Options

As active members you will be able to participate in CACL's organizational decisions and have a voice in deciding CACL's priorities and initiatives. We will also put you in touch with others in your area who want to encourage greater integrity and honour in our communities as well.

If you would like to make a donation, please do so.  All funds are used to increase awareness about the importance of true respect, integrity and honour and how that stops the threat of corruption.

Help Keep the Spirit and Respect for Canada