Be Active and Interact with CACL Members

We have established or are creating social media groups and pages, and plan to have a CACL Forum soon. Help us foster local, regional and national communications.

We know that corruption cannot be completely eradicated, which is why vigilance and ongoing activism is so critical. We will soon tell you about an historical example where an anti-corruption effort has been very successful, but it took more authoritarian government than is acceptable for Canadians. The CACL model will improve on that example by making optimal use of personal and digital communications!

Contact us

Our Main Initiatives

[NOTE: WE ARE UPDATING THIS SITE AND MAKING EXTENSIVE CHANGES. VISIT AGAIN SOON.] Welcome to the CACL Website. Canadians have a great reputation around the world. Let every Canadian be known to have complete integrity, and let every Canadian community and family have honour!


CACL Elections Form. The original signed form is the only document ELECTIONS CANADA ACCEPTS WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURE. Only available to Canadians.

Monitor Government

The best antidote to corruption is to monitor public activities. Here are four key corruption cures!

Also, our approach to better government is described in the CACL Platform, read it here.and our Constitution.

Membership Growth

Talk and interact with your family about the importance of honesty and integrity. share our website and social media links and encoura everybody to join CACL.


It takes only a few to activate and and work together in your groups and communities to build a successful movement. Commit today and collaborate with us.

Help Keep the Spirit and Respect for Canada